
Second Work of Appropriation

       The original image I choose is the Portrait of Innocent X created by the Spanish painter Diego Velazquez in Italy during 1650. From the title, it’s obvious that the figure in the image is the pope Innocent X at that time. The expression of the pope is serious, august, determined, and a little bit cattish. There is a strong contrast between his red shawl and white rocket, which makes people feel a sense of stateliness. The red background also reflect the solemn atmosphere of religion and papacy. In ancient Rome, pope has very strong power to control people. Many people think the Innocent X is the ugliest man in Rome and he has a very ill temper. 

       In the new image, the face of the pope is replaced by U.S president Obama. Obama is laughing happily closing his eyes and showing his white teeth. Although he is a president who have very high social status and reputation, he looks very friendly, kind and approachable. His face subverts the serious face in the original image. The new image builds the close relationship between Obama and people, and it also shows his moral character. 

