
Response to Editing of Killing Alec

       The narrator and other women including Caroline, Anje and Tiffany find that they have common boyfriend Alec, who has been cheating on them, so they decide to kill him. They decide to have a manhunt that Alec will be killed if they find and catch him. They found him and another woman Marlena in Florida, and tell Marlena the truth. Eventually, five women drive Alec to the swamp, and decide to bury him in the mud.  
       What is working:1. The story arouses my emotion effectively. The setting is quiet interesting, strange and exciting. It’s weird that four women and their common boyfriend have the meeting to discuss the way of killing, and Alec is not scared of his death at all. All the women hate the man, but love him so much at the same time, which make me feel curious about the progress of the story-telling and the result of Alec. 2. I love the plot because it is complex with the conflict between “love” and “kill”. The narrator and other women decide to kill Alec because of his cheating, but the implementation of the killing takes a long time. They care so much about Alec from the details in their discussion and behaviors. The complexity is particularly apparent when they smoke filling with sorrow in front of the hole.
       What needs to be fixed: 1. There are some confusing moments that I want to figure them out. Since they all love Alec, Why do those woman want to carry out the way of killing Alec instead of other ways to punish him? Why does Alec calmly accept his death? What’s the role of Marlena in the story? Do they really bury the Alec in the hole? The story can be continued and added more information. 2. The story is progressing so smoothly and successfully without twists and turns. From my perspectives, it will be much more fun if adding some plots such as the conflict between those women and the resistance of Alec.

